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An integrated dual-detector SPECT/CT and PET/CT system in a single room installation with cost optimized return of investment and operation

An integrated SPECT/CT and PET/CT system featuring a uniform AnyScan® DUO design and seamless workflow within a single-room installation. This solution not only reduces construction and equipment costs by eliminating the need for an additional CT scanner, but also supports all nuclear medicine applications through a unified graphical user interface and integrated software solution.

Features & Benefits

Unique Device Integrating a SPECT/CT and a PET/CT in One System

  • Single-room installation to reduce facility construction, and minimize number of technologists 
  • The common diagnostic CT modality saves the price of a second CT device 
  • Save on overall service, maintenance and spare part cost 
  • Ideal for Nuclear Medicine clinics and private centers using dedicated days to schedule conventional NM and PET/CT examinations 
  • The system can fit into a PET-CT sized examination room

Seamless Workflow Integration

  • Unified, consistent user interface reducing the learning curve for medical staff and streamlining workflow
  • Centralized data management of SPECT, CT, and PET
  • Images can be stored, accessed, and managed within one system, simplifying data handling and reducing the risk of data loss or mismanagement

SPECT/CT Imaging Without Compromise

  • Dual-head acquisition modes with relative angles of 180°, 90° and 78° (102°) detector positions 
  • FLEX detector movements for special needs (e.g. wheelchair, hospital bed or gurney, standing position) 
  • On-surface detector modes 
  • Open design of SPECT/CT that helps children, claustrophobic or anxious patients to tolerate the examination process 
  • Ergonomic patient support with carefully designed accessories

Diagnostic Dual-Performance CT

  • 16 slice diagnostic CT
  • Standard Low Dose protocols for diagnostic CT applications
  • Ultra-Low Dose CT with sub-mSv effective dose for attenuation correction and localization
  • Iterative Image Reconstruction with Tera-Tomo™ 3D CT
  • High power CT with up to 440 mA in diagnostic mode, 0.5 sec rotation speed, and 0.625 mm resolution, with on-the-fly dose modulation, Metal Artefact Reduction and Motion Artefact Correction

PET/CT for Routine Oncology Applications

  • Molecular PET imager module with high resolution LYSO detector technology
  • Low-dose patient protocols
  • Time-of-flight PMTs
  • Tera-Tomo™ 3D PET Iterative, real-time image reconstruction and 2D FBP reconstruction
  • The high sensitivity and excellent resolution facilitate fast examination process and accurate clinical diagnosis not only for 18F-FDG, but also for 11C-Choline, 11C-MET, 18F-FDOPA, 18F-FET and 68Ga-PSMA

Quantitative Results with Tera-Tomo™ Reconstruction

  • Mediso developed Tera-Tomo™ engine ensures quantitative results with precise SUV values.
  • Best image quality and quantitative results
  • GPU based 3D iterative SPECT/CT reconstruction
  • SPECT SUV calculation for arbitrary radioisotopes. Not only for commonly used tracers like 99mTc, 131I, 123I, 177Lu, but for many more demanding theranostic isotopes
  • Available Normal Databases and possibility to create with easy workflow




Detector Crystal
NaI(Tl) Standard 9.5 mm thickness
Bore Size
75 cm
Count rate
up to 500 kcps
Scan range
up to 245 cm (with extension)
545×401 mm
Energy range
35 - 640 keV
Parallel hole from low- to high energy, Pinhole type
Gantry aperture
70 cm
Number of detectors
Crystal size
3.9×3.9×20 mm
Axial FOV
15.2 cm
Transaxial FOV
67 cm
Number of acquired slices
Diagnostic CT
Sub-millimeter: 0.625 mm
Rotation speed
0.5 - 2 sec
Bore size
70 cm
Tube current
10 - 440 mA
Anode heat capacity
7.5 MHU
General acquisition, device control
Nucline™ with all protocol sets
General processing
InterView™ XP
Evaluation software
InterView™ FUSION
3rd party cardiac software packages
INVIA's 4DM for SPECT, Emory Cardiac Toolbox, or Cedars Sinai modules

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