Features & Benefits
Ultra-fast SPECT/CT Scanning
- The third detector and redesigned LEHR-HS collimator not even improve image quality, but also save time
- Seamless data acquisition with continuous SPECT/CT
- PET-like workflow increases diagnostic confidence with total-body SPECT/CT
- Total-Body SPECT scan in 10-20 minutes
- Myocardial examination under 4 minutes
Transformable™ Gantry
Three different imaging modes:
- Ultra-fast total-body SPECT/CT with 120°detector position for PET like imaging
- Dual-head, 90° position for cardiac SPECT/CT
- True planar imaging in 180° detector position
Optimized Time-Quality-Dose
- Decrease Acquisition Time: The average acquisition time can be reduced to a quarter. A total-body bone SPECT scan can be implemented in 10 - 20 minutes. The shorter acquisition time helps to improve patient comfort and decrease the chance of motion artefacts.
- Maximize Image Quality: Improve diagnostic accuracy and confidence. Significantly higher system resolution and better contrast to noise ratio become available compared to the conventional two detector head SPECT systems.
- Reduce Administered Activity: Minimize patient dose and reduce the exposure of the administrator. The smaller amount of applied tracers can dynamically reduce the average radiotracer cost.
Diagnostic Dual-Performance CT
- 16 slice diagnostic CT
- Standard Low Dose protocols for diagnostic CT applications
- Ultra-Low Dose CT with sub-mSv effective dose for attenuation correction and localization
- Iterative Image Reconstruction with Tera-Tomo™ 3D CT
- High power CT with up to 440 mA in diagnostic mode, 0.5 sec rotation speed, and 0.625 mm resolution, with on-the-fly dose modulation, Metal Artefact Reduction and Motion Artefact Correction.
Absolute Quantitative Imaging with Tera-Tomo™ 3D SPECT-Q Reconstruction
- Mediso developed Tera-Tomo™ 3D SPECT-Q engine ensures quantitative results with precise SUV values
- Best image quality and quantitative results
- Monte Carlo simulation based iterative SPECT/CT reconstruction
- SUV calculation for radioisotopes. Not only for commonly used tracers like 99mTc, 131I, 123I, 177Lu, but for many more demanding theranostic isotopes
- Available Normal Databases and possibility to create with easy workflow
- Total-Body SPECT at extreme fast scan time, meaning instead of conventional 2D WB imaging, we can achieve 3D WB SPECT scan during similar acquisition time
- Alternating acquisition scan option. Detector head collect data in clockwise and counter-clockwise mode as well
- Continuous gantry rotation makes the examination faster
- Automatic stitching of acquired images
Highlighted Features for Smooth NM Workflow
- NM localizer: This function combines the patient positioning procedure with whole-body planar acquisition to generate data for acquisition planning as an alternative to CT localizer
- NM localizer AI: Artificial Intelligence supported image filter for planar bone scans is available in Nucline™ acquisition software. AI-filter is aimed to increase the image quality
- List-mode data acquisition for retrospective image reconstructions and protocol optimization
- Real-time time-activity curve (TAC) display
- NM-GO function: a foot switch was added to support smooth workflow, e.g. simultaneous administration of radiotracer and acquisition start
Industry leading volume sensitivity and up to 5 mm system resolution
10-20 min total-body SPECT with CT
120°, 180°, 90° default detector angles
Up to 600 kcps
Sub-millimeter: 0.625 mm
0.5 - 2 sec
70 cm
10 - 440 mA
7.5 MHU
Nucline™ with all protocol sets
InterView™ XP
InterView™ FUSION
INVIA's 4DM for SPECT, Emory Cardiac Toolbox, or Cedars Sinai modules
Syntermed - NeuroQ package (Emory), Segami - Neurogam, Shina - 3Di
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