Features & Benefits
Perform all Routine Applications
- All planar, whole-body and SPECT/CT examinations can be performed
- Static and dynamic imaging modes for specific diagnostic need
- Gated planar and gated SPECT/CT studies with integrated R-Wave trigger on the patient table
- Comprehensive collection of predefined and customizable application specific protocols (oncology, cardiology, neurology, endocrinology, nephrology, pulmonology, etc.)
SPECT/CT Imaging Without Compromise
- Dual-head acquisition modes with relative angles of 180°, 90° and 78° (102°) detector positions
- FLEX detector movements for special needs (e.g. wheelchair, hospital bed or gurney, standing position)
- On-surface detector modes
- Open design of SPECT/CT that helps children, claustrophobic or anxious patients to tolerate the examination process
- Ergonomic patient support with carefully designed accessories
Diagnostic Dual-Performance CT
- 16 slice diagnostic CT
- Standard Low Dose protocols for diagnostic CT applications
- Ultra-Low Dose CT with sub-mSv effective dose for attenuation correction and localization
- Iterative Image Reconstruction with Tera-Tomo™ 3D CT
- High power CT with up to 440 mA in diagnostic mode, 0.5 sec rotation speed, and 0.625 mm resolution, with on-the-fly dose modulation, Metal Artefact Reduction and Motion Artefact Correction
Quantitative Results with Tera-Tomo™ 3D SPECT-Q Reconstruction
- Mediso developed Tera-Tomo™ engine ensures quantitative results with precise SUV values
- Best image quality and quantitative results
- Monte Carlo simulation based iterative SPECT/CT reconstruction
- SUV calculation for arbitrary radioisotopes. Not only for commonly used tracers like 99mTc, 131I, 123I, 177Lu, but for many more demanding theranostic isotopes
- Available Normal Databases and possibility to create with easy workflow
Wide Selection of Collimators for Optimal Imaging
- High Resolution - High Sensitivity collimators: LEHR-HS, LEUHR-HS, MEHR-HS
- Wide energy range collimators: M-HEGP, M-LEGP
- Best trade-off between resolution and sensitivity
- Software guided semi-automatic collimator exchange
Intuitive Acquisition System
- Our common Nucline™ acquisition console and user interface ensure smooth image acquisition and fast workflow in the everyday routine environment
- User interface available both on the touchscreen gantry monitor and from the control room
- Parallel workflow for acquisition and image processing on dual monitors
- Reconstruction with Tera-Tomo™ 3D SPECT engine featuring Monte Carlo based physical modelling of particle-level gamma photon interactions
Dedicated Features for Faster and Improved NM Workflow
- AI-based NM localizer creates a planar preview during patient positioning that can be used for acquisition planning without extra time as an alternative to CT localizer
- List Mode acquisition for retrospective image reconstructions and protocol optimization
- Real-time time-activity curve (TAC) display for dynamic kidney studies
- Heart localizer for cardiac perfusion scans keeping projection of the myocardium in the field of view
- NM-GO foot switch allows simultaneous administration of radiotracer and starting acquisition by a single operator.
NaI(Tl) standard 9.5 mm thickness
75 cm
up to 500 kcps
up to 245 cm (with extension)
545×401 mm
35 - 640 keV
Parallel hole from low- to high energy, Pinhole type
Sub-millimeter: 0.625 mm
0.5 - 2 sec
70 cm
10 - 440 mA
7.5 MHU
Nucline™ with all protocol sets
InterView™ XP
InterView™ FUSION
INVIA's 4DM for SPECT, Emory Cardiac Toolbox, or Cedars Sinai modules
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