L'équipement de la famille Mediso AnyScan® tient les promesses actuelles et futures de la médecine nucléaire en maximisant les informations moléculaires en combinaison avec des détails anatomiques précis.
Maximized performance theranostic and diagnostic SPECT/CT systems for ultra-fast scans with outstanding imaging performance to serve total-body imaging, dedicated cardiac and brain applications. The 3rd generation AnyScan® detector technology using 123 PMT and NaI crystal, along with the transformable detector configuration and the multi-pinhole technology positions these systems to the forefront of the Mediso clinical product platform.
SPECT/CT and PET/CT integrated in one AnyScan® system developed for single room installation to minimize the infrastructure costs. These systems offer a unique solution with a single CT complementing both PET and SPECT studies, providing full range of services on all NM modalities.
The three headed AnyScan® TRIO SPECT and SPECT/CT systems maintain all conventional imaging modes with enhanced sensitivity and more than 30% faster (up to 2x) multi field-of-view SPECT imaging, raising the NM department to the next level with simple protocol adaptation from the dual headed system.
The dual detector AnyScan® DUO SPECT and SPECT/CT systems are the portfolio's most widely embraced models, renowned for their consistent performance and reliability. Excellent imaging performance, high variety of detector configurations, easy on-site upgrade options are the key factors that make them a preferred choice among customers.
The InterView™ Workflow Servers and Processing Workstations serve as a platform for InterView™ software products. InterView™ FUSION and InterView™ XP incorporate all necessary functionalities required for Nuclear Medicine and even more. InterView™ product functionalities are extended by third party software with specialized applications such as MPI processing. The AnyView™ Workflow solution provides the connection between the camera systems and client devices on which the InterView™ products guarantee fast and reliable evaluation for everyday diagnostic and wide variety of tools for research purposes.
Nucline™ Gamma Caméra TH-22, TH-33, TH-45: Le Gold Standard de la scintigraphie thyroïdienne
Les caméras Nucline™ TH offrent une excellente solution pour l'imagerie NM planaire des petits organes. Les modèles Nucline™ TH peuvent être facilement adaptés à vos besoins. Des détecteurs très sensibles ainsi qu'une électronique de haute qualité permettent d'obtenir des images performantes dans diverses applications. En commençant par l'acquisition, en passant par l'évaluation jusqu'à la documentation et l'archivage des données du patient, toutes les tâches sont effectuées automatiquement selon vos exigences en utilisant pleinement la fonctionnalité DICOM.
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