Mediso Medical Imaging Systems recently installed a state-of-the-art 7T MRI at the University of Milano-Bicocca
The nanoScan® MRI 7T installed is equipped with a state-of-the-art cryogen-free superconducting magnet. Uniquely on the preclinical market, the pulse tube cryocooler is mounted at the back of the scanner to minimize vibrations thus delivering ghost-free images. The ultra-high magnetic field of 7T along with the robust low-noise gradients enables high-end in vivo applications such as DTI or MR Spectroscopy with excellent SNR. Due to the patented SmartMagnet™ technology the recovery time of the magnet is very fast even after day-long maintenance or service intervals.
Prof. Rosa Maria Moresco Professor at the department of Medicine and Surgery at University of Milano-Bicocca commented.
”The preclinical research groups of the Department of Medicine and Surgery of University of Milano-Bicocca are very pleased to include in the imaging facilities the nanoScan® 7T preclinical MRI scanner. With the system we will implement novel in vivo diagnostic procedures and better characterize the preclinical models of diseases under development based on established imaging features derived from clinical knowledge.“
Gergő Bagaméry, Director of Preclinical Product Development at Mediso commented: “Combining the ultra-high field of 7T with a magnet that has very low installation and maintenance requirements will allow researchers not to compromise their image quality and quantitation accuracy due to limitations of lab-space.”
This new installation at the University of Milano-Bicocca represents a significant milestone for Mediso, as it is the first nanoScan® MRI installation in Italy considered as a stepping stone for the company to achieve significant growth in the region.
About Mediso:
Mediso works in the field of medical imaging for 30+ years with a profile of development, manufacturing, selling and servicing standalone and multi-modality imaging devices. The company offers complete solutions from hardware design to evaluation and quantification software for clinical patient care and preclinical research.
Mediso has a leader position in the preclinical imaging market with over 300 commissioned systems around the world. Beyond the market leading nanoScan® PET/CT and SPECT/CT, Mediso also offers standalone MRI and integrated PET/MRI systems based on a cryogen-free magnet with 3T or 7T field strength and a PET insert for simultaneous PET/MRI imaging.
Products are sold directly or through a distribution network in 100+ countries worldwide.
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