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Diagnostic and Theranostic Image Quality at MAXimum Level

Discover excellent image quality with the AnyScan® TRIO SPECT/CT IQMAX featuring novel multi-pinhole collimator technology. Improve your diagnostic confidence with outstanding resolution and 360° PET-like imaging. The unique system designed with the uncompromised commitment to the best SPECT resolution.

IQMAX is the configuration name of MAX-123/9.5 detector.

Features & Benefits

Outstanding Diagnostic Image Quality

  • Detector intrinsic resolution of 2.5 mm (FWHM) provided by high-density sensor arrangement (123 PMTs per detector head)
  • Unique multi-pinhole collimator technology provides superior, PET-like image quality with optimal use of the entire detector surface
  • Triple-NaI-Detector: patient surrounded completely in 360° with three large surface detectors (up to 5x larger than 12-detector CZT systems)
  • Superior PET-like image quality became possible with the advanced Tera-Tomo™ 3D SPECT-Q image reconstruction and the unique multi-pinhole collimator technology featuring optimal use of the entire detector surface

From General Purpose to Organ Focus Imaging

  • IQMAX is a versatile SPECT/CT system offering five imaging modes by its Transformable™ Gantry and simple collimator exchange procedures
  • Total-Body mode applying all three detectors for ultra-fast quantitative total-body SPECT/CT
  • Brain focus imaging with dedicated MPH-Brain collimator for superior image quality Brain Perfusion and DAT SPECT
  • Cardiac focus imaging with MPH-Cardiac collimator delivers fast myocardial perfusion or amyloid scans, and even dynamic SPECT acquisition
  • Dual-detector modes provide true planar and SPECT imaging options

MAXimized Image Quality and Quantitative Accuracy

  • Our signature parallel-hole collimators are available for low-, medium-, high- and ultra-high energies 
  • Novel multi-pinhole (MPH) technology provides focused imaging for brain and cardiac applications with PET-like image quality and assists dynamic SPECT applications 
  • Tera-Tomo™ 3D SPECT-Q is the ultimate quantitative image reconstruction solution, featuring Monte Carlo based physical modelling of particle-level gamma photon interactions running on high-performance GPUs

Triple-Performance CT

  • Standard Low Dose protocols for diagnostic CT applications 
  • Ultra-Low Dose CT with sub-mSv effective dose for attenuation correction and localization 
  • AI-Powered Synthetic CT (SyCT) with zero effective CT dose for quantitative SPECT attenuation correction and anatomical localization in 99mTc bone imaging (For research purpose only)
  • High power, 16 slice CT with up to 440 mA in diagnostic mode, offering 0.5 sec rotation speed, 0.625 mm resolution and on-the-fly dose modulation
  • Iterative Image Reconstruction with Tera-Tomo™ 3D CT and advanced corrections for Motion- and Metal Artefact Reduction. AI-based CT image quality enhancement

SyCT – the AI-Powered Synthetic CT

Experience the innovation of zero-dose CT imaging for quantitative SPECT analysis with our AI-Powered Synthetic CT (SyCT) solution (for research purpose only):

  • Free from the effective dose artifacts of traditional CT scans
  • Anatomical localization and accurate SPECT attenuation correction for absolute quantification
  • No motion and registration mismatches between SPECT and CT
  • Enhanced workflow efficiency: no need for dual-modality imaging
  • Applicable for 99mTc bone scans, including total-body imaging




Detector Crystal
NaI(Tl) Standard 9.5 mm
Bore Size
75 cm
Scan range
200 cm
545×401 mm
Ultra-fast Quantitative Total-Body SPECT/CT
in less than 10 min
Head positions
120°, 180°, 90° or dedicated cardiac position (75°)
Multi-pinhole apertures
Brain, Cardiac, other organ specific
Low Energy Collimators
Low Energy High Resolution & High Sensitivity (LEHR-HS),                            Low Energy Ultra High Resolution & High Sensitivity (LEUHR-HS)
Medium to High Energy Collimators
Medium Energy High Resolution & High Sensitivity (MEHR-HS),                          Medium High Energy General Purpose (M-HEGP)
High to Ultra-High  Energy Collimators
High Ultra-High Energy General Purpose (H-UHEGP)
Number of acquired slices
Diagnostic CT
Sub-millimeter: 0.625 mm
Rotation speed
0.5 - 2 sec
Bore size
70 cm
Tube current
10 - 440 mA
Anode heat capacity
7.5 MHU

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